Adding life to years
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Hallstahammars municipality

Hallstahammars municipality

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Hallstahammars municipality  Sweden
Print this page City population: 1670025 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

Hallstahammar has for several years worked structurally to make Hallstahammar Municipality a good place to grow old in. The work has been multisectoral, participatory and transparent. The municipal elderly who are organized in different organizations are all a part of the special elderly counsel in the municipality called KPR. They have been and will be a very important partner in all this work.
The process has already begun by the elderly organizations already agreed to participate in this effort to make the municipality more elderly friendly. Work will begin in May with joint planning days. Then, politicians, officials and representatives of older people’s organizations will meet to start a survey of the municipality’s age-friendliness together. Based on the results of this inventory, an action plan will be worked out in active dialogue. This action plan (3-year) must then be approved by the all parties and ultimately decided by the city council.
In working towards becoming even more age-friendly, work will be organized across all sectors. This is to get broad support for this work, and to get all the social functions of need to participate in this work. From the municipality, technological, social and cultural organizations to participate. This includes both politicians, officials (local-regional/state) and of course all the different organizations that represent the elderly.
The work will be led by the Senior Council of the municipality.

The municipality’s housing company works structured to continuously improve accessibility and security for the elderly. In all rotational renovations in the properties, accessibility is the most important factor. In this way, the proportion of apartments with very good accessibility has increased significantly and continues to increase. This work is called aging with us. In this way, older people’s safety and accessibility and the quality of life for the elderly are improved.

The work has been intersectoral and also with a large participation and transparency. The Municipal elderly have been and are a very important partner in all this work. Hallstahammar municipality has for this work has received very good reviews from several elderly organizations.

The municipality has in its work on a long-term senior political thought which, among other things, the following elements:

  • Fall prevention programs -anti-slip campaigns and free slip-protection to decrease fall accidents outside in the winter.
  • Outreach visits to all elderly 75 years old, information about the care that is available, contact information and direct help.
  • “Older Agents”, elderly who help and inform all elderly in the municipality
  • Free public transport for elderly in the municipality, on-demand bus service who pick the elderly up at their home.
  • Several meeting point with daily activities, in different parts of the municipality
  • Toll free gyms for training both outside and inside, more healthy years to life!
  • Health Walk paths, more healthy years to life!
  • Accessibility/availability work in public housing, to secure safety and well-being for elderly and special renovation programs to increase availability
  • “Friend service”, elderly visits other elderly so break social isolation for one example
  • Public dialogue on future nursing home / retirement planning – older people are frequently consulted on different matters.
  • Senior fairs are arranged every second year. In 2017 the theme was “Lifequality for seniors”.
  • Elderly minorities receive care in the native tongue.

The Municipality is certified as a Safe Community (WHO) and have a special workgroup. This group is working with a special focus on the elderly and disabled


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