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Conversion to Prequalification

Conversion to Prequalification

The purpose of the conversion procedures was to transition, where appropriate, all WHO Pesticide Evaluation Scheme (WHOPES) recommended vector control products (VCP) to a prequalification listing. The approach was developed to:

  • Ensure an accurate and current list of prequalified vector control products.
  • Provide a baseline of information on the safety, efficacy and quality of converted products to inform future activities to be undertaken to ensure that these products are supported by a modern database of evidence and a lifecycle approach is put in place. Only products which were supported by a relevant WHOPES decision document/report and current specifications established through the WHO/FAO JMPS were converted.
  • Link products claiming equivalence to an established reference product, and thereby to an appropriate and relevant database of evidence. Products claiming equivalence were not converted until the reference product had been converted.

This approach was adopted to ensure that the transition from WHOPES to PQ would not disrupt the marketplace and hinder access to these vital products and also to ensure a fair and consistent transition for all manufacturers.

The process for converting from a WHOPES recommendation to a Prequalification listing required manufactures to self-identify and submit applications for conversion for each product. For end use products this process began in July of 2017. A due date of 31 December 2017 was established as the deadline for submission of applications for conversion.  The deadline was extended to 30 April 2018.

All applications for conversion were screened for completeness and the submissions reviewed to ensure supporting WHO safety and efficacy evaluations and specifications had been established.

A description of the Conversion Process and Decision Trees can be found here:

The list of those products which have been prequalified can be found here: