Quality Control Laboratories for Medicines
Quality control laboratories included on the WHO List of Prequalified Medicines Quality Control Laboratories have been assessed, inspected and found to comply with Good Practices for Pharmaceutical Quality Control Laboratories, Good Practices for Pharmaceutical Microbiology Control Laboratories and relevant components of WHO Good Manufacturing Practice.
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Displaying: 51 - 64 of 64
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Title Sort descending | Applicant Organization | Date of prequalification | Country | Region |
South Africa - Adcock R+D | Adcock Ingram Ltd Research & Development | South Africa | AFRO | |
South Africa (M and L) | M and L Laboratory Services (Pty) Ltd | South Africa | AFRO | |
South Africa-RIIP | Research Institute for Industrial Pharmacy (RIIP) incorporating CENQAM | South Africa | AFRO | |
Switzerland-Intertek | Intertek (Schweiz) AG | Switzerland | EURO | |
Tanzania-TMDA-QCL | Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA) | Tanzania | AFRO | |
Thailand-BDN | Bureau of Drug and Narcotic (BDN), Department of Medical Sciences, Ministry of Public Health | Thailand | SEARO | |
Uganda_NDA-QCL | National Drug Authority of Uganda | Uganda | AFRO | |
Ukraine - SSRL | State Scientific Research Laboratory on Quality Control of Medicines | Ukraine | EURO | |
Ukraine-CLQCM | Central Laboratory for Quality Control of Medicines and Medical Products, State Drug Administration of Ukraine | Ukraine | EURO | |
Ukraine-LPA | Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Analysis, State Expert Centre, Ministry of Health of Ukraine | Ukraine | EURO | |
Uruguay-CCCM | Drug Quality Control Commission / Comisión para el Control de Calidad de Medicamentos (CCCM) | Uruguay | AMRO | |
Vietnam - IDQC HCMC | Institute of Drug Quality Control - Ho Chi Minh City | Vietnam | WPRO | |
Vietnam-NIDQC | National Institute of Drug Quality Control (NIDQC) | Vietnam | WPRO | |
Zimbabwe-MCAZ-QCL | Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe (MCAZ) | Zimbabwe | AFRO |