Adding life to years
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Maipú, Chile

Maipú, Chile

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Maipú, Chile  Chile
Print this page City population: 52162715 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

The Municipality of Maipú has a Home Medical Program, which provides free quality medical care at home without social or economic requirements, it is for all neighbors giving priority to people over 60 years of age. The service works 365 days and from 17:00 to 24:00 hrs.
The Municipality has 235 Senior clubs, several of them operate in municipal spaces. In addition, the municipality gives them support with boxes of materials, celebrates their anniversaries and summons its members for group activities, for example, the celebration with queens and kings representing their clubs in a mass on the International Day of Older Persons.
The Municipality has an Advisory Council for older people composed of 29 councilors (who represent the neighborhoods and were elected by a voting system), which is chaired by the highest authority, the Mayor. This Council has a headquarters which is given to them by the Municipality. Representatives of older people perform care to neighbors, hold meetings with municipal heads of different services, articulate and give feedback to the service network and deliver information according to requirements. This Council is organized into committees, which are coordinated with representatives of the Older Affairs Office. These commissions work by presenting the needs of the older people in different realities and dependency levels (it includes all the older people).
Every month there is a massive celebration, called “Malón del Adulto Mayor”, it is a 4-hour party, where a space is arranged for enjoyment, dance and celebration, including live musical shows.
During 2018, construction will begin on the “Day and Spa Center for the Elderly, Renace”. Neighbors will have more than 3000 sf of free services available to improve their quality of life.