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County Clare

County Clare

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

County Clare  Ireland
Print this page City population: 11881720 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Following a County-wide consultation process the second Clare Age Friendly Strategy from 2018-2022 was adopted, which builds on the achievements of the first Strategy. This 2nd Age-Friendly Strategy for Clare addresses the opportunities and challenges posed by a predicted growth in the ageing population. While drawing on international and national experience, it continues to develop our county as a place where older people are supported, connected and valued for their contribution. Age Friendly principles have been reflected in the Clare County Development Plan, Clare Local Economic Community Plan, Gardaí plan for Older People and the HSE plan for Older People. An Age Friendly County can be described as a county that recognises diversity among older people and promotes their inclusion in all aspects of community life. The purpose of our Age Friendly Strategy is to ensure that older people’s ambitions and expectations are respected and the county’s development is future-proofed in a way that best serves them.

This Strategy has been developed by the Clare Age Friendly Alliance in consultation and co-operation with older people in Clare. The Alliance is a voluntary partnership of Clare Older People’s Council and senior decision makers from the following agencies:-

• Clare County Council
• Health Service Executive
• An Gárda Síochána
• University of Limerick
• Limerick Institute of Technology
• Limerick Clare Education Training Board
• Independent Chairperson of the Implementation Team
• Clare Local Development Company Ltd.
• Clarecare Ltd.
• Clare Bus Ltd.
• Family Carers Ireland Ltd.

This Strategy is laid out under 8 themes and each theme includes the findings from the Healthy and Positive Ageing Initiative (HaPAI) research survey, as well as consultation with older people. In response to this survey, the recent Census data, the wide ranging consultation and the review of the previous strategy, the following High-level Initiatives will ensure that Clare becomes a leading Age-Friendly County:-

• Developing Age Friendly Towns
• Supporting Age-Friendly Rural Living
• Increasing opportunities for a Life-long Learning Programme
• Advancing Age-Friendly Health and Wellbeing
• Developing an Age-Friendly Airport in Shannon


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