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City of Bucheon

City of Bucheon

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

City of Bucheon  Republic of Korea
Print this page City population: 81074216 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

〇 Based on the results of the first phase Bucheon age-friendly city development project and 2021 older adults survey data, the second phase went one step further from the vision of the first phase, ACE (Healthy and Lively City of Longevity, ACE Bucheon) to “Mature City of Longevity, SAFE Bucheon ” as the vision, and aims to realize a mature, age-friendly city.

〇 The 2nd Bucheon age-friendly city guideline is S-A-F-E (Secure, Accessible, Fit, Embracing), which consists of a total of 4 major areas, 8 sub-areas, and 35 sub-projects (performance indicators).

  • A safe living environment (Secure)

– Area 1: Outdoor space and buildings

– Area 2: Housing

  • A city where you can easily meet and communicate (Accessible)

– Area 3: Communication and information

– Area 4: Transportation

  • A city with guaranteed physical, psychological and social health (Fit)

– Area 5: Community support and health services

– Area 6: Respect and social inclusion

  • A community of empathy and inclusion (Embracing)

– Area 7: Civic participation and employment

– Area 8: Social participation

Commitment Letter
Baseline Assessment


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