Adding life to years
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Bedford, Québec

Bedford, Québec

Le lancement des politiques MADA concertées s’est fait en grande pompe en novembre 2014 à Notre-Dame-de-Stanbridge. Depuis, plusieurs projets ont pu être financés par la CRÉ Montérégie Est au bénéfice…

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City population: 257521.8 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Co-production of Leeds Age Friendly Charter

SENIORS EXPO – Northern Territory


The Art of Ageing exhibition launch


Tell more (Swedish: Berätta mera)

The South Yorkshire Dementia Creative Arts Exhibition




There are currently various cooperations existing, targeting the well-being of senior citizens. The supporting association aktiv55plus undertook the municipal task of doing the care counselling, it conducts activating home visits…

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City population: 2300022 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Résumé des activités intergénérationnelles organisées par la Ville de Charleroi (Belgique)

Wayne, Maine

Wayne, Maine
United States of America

Our town has an extensive informal network of neighbors and relatives helping each other. We also have a recent intiative- Sustain Wayne- which focuses on community and sustainability, and which…

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City population: 105025 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Pinecrest, Florida

Pinecrest, Florida
United States of America

The Village of Pinecrest’s Parks and Recreation Department and the Office of the Mayor provide events and activities on a regularly scheduled basis. At the Pinecrest Community Center there is…

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City population: 1908819.44 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Orange County, North Carolina

Orange County, North Carolina
United States of America

Orange County, North Carolina has a designated Department to plan for and administer aging services across the county. The mission of the Orange County Department on Aging (OCDOA) is: To…

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City population: 14000017 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Albany County, New York

Albany County, New York
United States of America

Albany County already goes above and beyond in its desire to make the lives of our older citizens safe, healthy and happy. From home delivered meals, congregate meals, transportation, legal…

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City population: 30300020 % over 60Joined Network in 2016