Adding life to years
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Tapia de Casariego

Tapia de Casariego

Nuestro concejo cuenta con una amplia red de servicios centrados en la atención a las personas mayores, entre los que se encuentran: el Programa de Apoyo a la dependencia, el…

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City population: 385136 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



  1. Création d’une fonction de conseiller des aînés. Ce travailleur social est dédié à plein temps à la coordination de l’ensemble des initiatives en faveur des aînés, au développement de projets,…

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City population: 2813824 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



1. AULAS DE LA TERCERA EDAD: espacio de intervención socio-educativo destinado a proporcionar y generar alternativas para la ocupación del tiempo libre, la…

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City population: 3903926 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



Advocacy and program services work SCOA has engaged in to ensure “an age-friendly focus” is embedded in the way The City of Saskatoon does business

#1 Outdoor Spaces And Buildings

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City population: 25300013 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Pelham, Ontario

Pelham, Ontario

The Town of Pelham is engaging and involving older people in the process of becoming a more age-friendly community by working towards the following:

Outdoor Spaces and Buildings:
• Representation of…

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City population: 1765729 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Mill Valley, California

Mill Valley, California
United States of America

The City adopted its General Plan in 2013, acknowledging the growing population (and needs) of an aging community. The Community Vitality Chapter (or “Element”) establishes the following programs to support More Details

City population: 1400019 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Campbell, California

Campbell, California
United States of America

The City of Campbell worked with the Santa Clara County Department of Aging and Adult Services and the Center for Age-Friendly Excellence to organize a task force, focus groups, and…

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City population: 4100015 % over 60Joined Network in 2017


United States of America

Currently, our city has Americans with Disabilities Act policies that support older adults as well in areas such as building interiors and exteriors and remodels. While our transit transportation system…

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City population: 23465Joined Network in 2017


United States of America

The City of Southfield has a history of supporting the needs of senior adults. The Commission on Senior Adults (COSA) has been in existence for over twenty-five years and was…

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City population: 7200015 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Pembroke Pines

United States of America

The City of Pembroke Pines has several departments and opportunities throughout the city that are open to volunteers. Parks & Recreation, Police and Fire, City Hall and the Community Services…

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City population: 15475015 % over 60Joined Network in 2017


United States of America

The city of Novato is already a leader in quality of life for aging adults. AARP ranked Novato first in the nation among small cities in health (AARP’s Livability Index),…

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City population: 5419426 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

East Lansing

United States of America

The City of East Lansing has an existing seniors’ program, Prime Time, that was established in 1972. The program offers a number of excellent support services such as our Technology…

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City population: 4847115 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Pitkin County

United States of America

In 2014, Pitkin County launched an Aging Well Community Plan that included 14 goals covering the areas of Safety, Connection, Health & Wellness and Information. Each goal identifies several action…

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City population: 1800045 % over 60Joined Network in 2017


United States of America

Shorewood is home to a diverse group of people and is the most densely populated municipality in the State of Wisconsin, with a geographic area of 1.5 square miles and…

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City population: 1331119 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



Programmes, pratiques et services visant les aînés:
Le 1er mars 2011, la Ville de Montréal a pris l’engagement de renforcer ses actions en faveur de l’amélioration de la qualité de…

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City population: 170469415 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Milpitas, California

United States of America

The City of Milpitas is joining the other cities in Santa Clara County to become part of the network to promote vitality and vibrancy for seniors. The Milpitas Senior Center…

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City population: 6978310 % over 60Joined Network in 2017


United States of America

Champaign and Urbana are twin cities with a combined population of about 127,000 located in east central Illinois. The area is home to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, which…

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City population: 12000011 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Town of Milo

United States of America

The Town currently dedicates space to seniors at our Town Hall. There are several events that occur both weekly and monthly in which our seniors participate. The Town does have…

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City population: 236525 % over 60Joined Network in 2017


United States of America

Currently the Town of Newtown works through its commission on aging, senior services department, social services department and specifically through the town municipal agent to provide services to seniors in…

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City population: 2830022 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Tassin la Demi-Lune


Projets actuels :
– chèques seniors : aide financière sous forme de chèques de 10 euros attribué aux seniors à faibles ressources pour permettre l’accès à la culture et aux…

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City population: 2154323 % over 60Joined Network in 2017