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Stoneham, MA

Stoneham, MA

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Stoneham, MA  United States of America
Print this page City population: 2143725.5 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

Stoneham provides numerous programs, services, and resources that enable seniors to live vibrant, active, and healthy lives. At the Senior Center, one can join their neighbors for lunch, participate in a wide range of programs, learn new skills, participate in an exercise class, or chat with staff members about resources throughout the community. They provide transportation throughout town to grocery stores, the town center, medical appointments, and even offer day trips to museums, fine arts performances and other special events throughout the region. Seniors may also seek assistance with our SHINE (Serving the Health Insurance Needs of Everyone) Counselors to help assist in choosing the right medical insurance, and manage tricky medical issues pertaining to Medicare, Medicaid, and prescription drug coverage. Additionally, Stoneham has done exceptional work with its outreach to all throughout their planning processes. They have taken incredible steps to educate the public through social media campaigns, press releases, articles in the local paper and the Council on Aging newsletter, and even feature major topics on Stoneham TV, the local cable access network. The Town regularly hosts forums and meetings during the day at the Senior Center so those members of the aging community, who are historically unrepresented, can participate in a location that is accessible and familiar. Moreover, the Stoneham Council on Aging is to welcome all to the Senior Center and provide outstanding services to all seniors with kindness, respect, dignity and by offering services for social, nutritional and medical needs, and to provide outreach to seniors in the community.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan


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