Adding life to years
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Georgetown, ME

Georgetown, ME

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Georgetown, ME  United States of America
Print this page City population: 101840.5 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

Supported by the Select Board of Georgetown, a committee was formed to develop an update to our Comprehensive Plan for Georgetown’s future. At the very first meeting of this committee in 2017, it was recognized that our population was growing older. (In 1993 approximately 19% of our population was 65 or older whereas today it is approaching 35%.) The Committee unanimously agreed to the formation of an Age Friendly Community Subcommittee. We also envision that our subcommittee will be an on-going committee. The Select Board has been apprised of each step we have taken and has supported our work, which has included the development of thriving, ongoing stakeholders meetings, and a welcomed and welcoming website, The Select Board has agreed to (1) the town’s participation with People Plus of Brunswick to begin to solve our transportation issues, (2) the preparation of a contractor and service provider listing on our website, and as of April 9, (3) the Select Board voted to approve our becoming part of the AARP network. We are fortunate to already have in place many organizations that provide services and are welcoming to all including, but not limited to, the Georgetown Community Center, the Georgetown Historical Society, the Georgetown Working League, the Georgetown Reading Group, the Richard’s Library, and the Five Islands Baptist Church. Many of these organizations are willing to help with transportation to their events though there is not yet a formal network. Reid State Park is located in the town of Georgetown and they admit any senior without charging a fee. While we have formed a strong team of more than fifteen active participants and almost 100 other supporters, we know that being part of the network will give our initiative structure and a timetable to do the work to make our town a better and safer place for our older citizens.

We have been very active in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. While continuing with our regular efforts, we put our focus on two aspects of pandemic response. First, we helped create a Community Outreach Program, that raised funds to provide food to isolated seniors and others at risk of nutritional deficiencies due to travel and safety restrictions. Local funds were raised and we are purchasing food and other essential supplies and receiving produce donations from area farms. Second, we expanded our communication network to try to reach every resident of our town so we could get them the critical information needed to be safe and healthy as the virus was spreading. We used all available resources and made use of our extensive Age-Friendly network to connect with all our neighbors.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan


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