Adding life to years
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Paris offre de nombreuses prestations aux personnes de plus de 60 ans notamment au travers de son Centre d’action sociale (CASVP). Pour favoriser le lien social, ses clubs seniors proposent…

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City population: 222044520.8 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Sharjah Mobile Medical Center


Development of an Age-friendly newsletter


Government of Western Australia

Government of Western Australia

The Government of Western Australia (WA) has been strongly committed to achieving the best possible outcomes for all its community members—including older people. The WA Government, through the Department of…

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Joined Network in 2017

TKO Dementia Friendly Community Service Program : Dementia Friendly Community Symposium

Jerez de la Frontera

Jerez de la Frontera

El Plan Local de Atención a Personas Mayores 2015-2018 del Ayuntamiento de Jerez de la Frontera es un instrumento de carácter sectorial, diseñado en colaboración con el Consejo Local de…

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City population: 21535419 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

La Vall d’Uixó

La Vall d’Uixó

Uno de los objetivos prioritarios que nos planteamos en nuestra ciudad es aumentar la calidad de vida de nuestras personas mayores. Para ello contamos con una comisión de gente mayor,…

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City population: 3346218.88 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



The municipal policy in the area of aging has been:
1 – Supporting entities to provide services through the allocation of premises, supporting the construction and qualification of equipment’s (Matosinhos…

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City population: 17345119 % over 60Joined Network in 2017