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Planning, development, implementation and monitoring of GHI proposals and funded grants (e.g. Gavi FPP and GFATM RSSH)

Resources and analytical questions mapped under this use case support colleagues working on the planning, development, implementation and monitoring of GHI proposals and funded grants, such as, Gavi Full Portfolio Planning (FPP) and Global Fund Resilient and Sustainable Systems for Health (RSSH). Its purpose is to help country teams optimize Gavi support by integrating planning and funding for immunization and primary health care (PHC). The goal is to maximize results, especially reaching underserved populations, in the context of strengthening “PHC for UHC”. This means identifying specific ways in which i) GHI funding can strengthen PHC (both what activities to support and how support is designed/ and provided); and ii) PHC more broadly supports disease specific activities and results.