
Organize performance appraisals of staff members


The performance of all employees of the laboratory must be assessed regularly to ensure and record that everybody performs according to expectation. This way also potential problems are detected in an early stage, preventing bigger problems later on.


Perform performance appraisals of all the laboratory employees at least once per two years, but preferably more often. A performance appraisal is broader than a competency assessment and involves not only assessment of technical competency, but also observation of adherence of staff members to safety rules, punctuality, adherence to policies, communication skills (including communication to customers), and professional behavior.


The WHO Laboratory Quality Management System (WHO LQMS) handbook contains more information on performance appraisal, which is provided in the right-hand column.

How & who

Laboratory Manager:

  1. Write an SOP on Conducting Performance Appraisals following the protocol on writing a Procedure SOP in the Master SOP and use the template for a Procedure SOP attached to the Master SOP. Use the background information provided in the right-hand column. Also develop a standardized form for recording the findings of the performance appraisal. This ensures that nothing is forgotten during the assessments. Add this form as appendix to the SOP.
  2. Perform performance appraisals for all the staff members according to the procedures described in the SOP.
  3. Record the findings of the performance appraisal and discuss these with the staff member that was assessed. Keep in mind that this is done in a tactful way as staff members may find it difficult to deal with criticism. The goal of this conversation is to find the root cause behind performance problems (note that root causes of poor performance may not always be related to the staff member but may be related to how things are organized or to poor quality SOPs). Develop together with the staff member a good approach to eliminate the root causes and improve performance.
  4. Make reports of the findings of the assessments and conclusion of discussions of the findings. Describe both positive and negative findings and the root causes of the negative findings. Describe the strategy to eliminate the root causes of poor performance.
  5. If training needs were identified: find an appropriate training and search for funds to send this staff member to the desired training.
  6. Store the report of performance appraisals in the Personnel File of the staff member (also developed in phase 2).


Max two years later:

  1. Perform the performance appraisals again according to the SOP. Before doing this, read the report of the last appraisal to evaluate if possible poor performance found during the last performance appraisal has now improved.
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This activity belongs to the QSE Personnel
ISO15189:2007: 4.1.5 4.12.5 5.1.2 5.1.4 5.1.12
ISO15189:2012: 5.1.6