
Formulate the long-term goals of the laboratory


The third step in working towards a concrete Quality Policy is the formulation of long-term goals. Based on these goals the plans for each year will be formulated.


Long-term goals are the goals which the laboratory wants to achieve in a period of approximately 5 to 10 years. They are aimed at improving the current situation but can also focus on new activities (e.g. expansion of laboratory expertise to include more examinations or more research projects).
Examples are:

  • Performing reliable examinations on research material delivered to the laboratory
  • Providing objective, complete and scientifically sound reports to the requesters
  • A timely completion of examinations, results, etc. within agreed turnaround times
  • Development of, and research into new methods and techniques for improving diagnosis


See for other examples:

How & who

Laboratory manager:

  1. Formulation of long-term goals doesn't have to be a group activity. Formulate the goals for the next 5 to 10 years. Try to take into account all the main activities performed in the laboratory. E.g. when you are implementing a quality management system you can formulate the goal: to work in compliance with the requirements of ISO 15189 and achieve accreditation. Also formulate goals regarding the routine work of the laboratory, and if research is being performed, formulate Long Term Goals for this as well. Base all the goals on improvement: the goals should reflect an improved state compared to the current situation.
  2. Print the long-term goals and store these behind the sheet with the Vision, Mission and Core Values of the laboratory in the folder Organization. Also print a copy that you can place at a location that is visible to all staff members (e.g. the notice board).
  3. Present the long-term goals to all staff members in a routine weekly staff meeting.
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This activity belongs to the QSE Organization


ISO15189:2007: 4.2.3