Adding life to years
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Yokosuka City

Yokosuka City

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Yokosuka City  Japan
Print this page City population: 40989136.42 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

The population of Yokosuka City in 2017 is 409,891, and the proportion of the population aged 65 and over is 30.35%. To deal with this trend of ageing, Yokosuka City implements projects for the elderly toward “Creation of a society where people remain active throughout their lives,” with many residents live a healthy life, being active for a long time.
We emphasis on promoting a community-based integrated care system, dementia strategies, social participation and improvement of living environment. For this purpose, we are providing various services.
For the elderly to age in place, it is important to provide medical, nursing care and welfare services in a comprehensive manner, so we are also building a framework to realize this vision.
Yokosuka City is located in the Miura Peninsula area, southeast of Kanagawa Prefecture, where municipalities have a close relationship. Yokosuka City, with other 4 municipalities in this area together, stated “the declaration of the peninsula that improve ME-BYO” at the Miura Peninsula Summit. In this context, Yokosuka City is implementing various projects to improve ME-BYO.
In order to make Yokosuka City more age-friendly, we accelerate our efforts collaborating with Kanagawa Prefectural Government and other municipalities in this area, aiming at extension of healthy life expectancy and promotion of health. Also, we will listen to the needs of the elderly, the opinions of citizens and experts, and reflect these factors on policies. And by linking with the comprehensive plan of Yokosuka City, we will implement age-friendly projects in various fields.
(ME-BYO: Rather than regarding health and illness as being mutually exclusive, the concept of ME-BYO views a person’s mental and physical condition as continuously changing along a spectrum between health and illness).

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan


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