Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Yate  United Kingdom
Print this page City population: 3039725 % over 60Joined Network in 2022

Yate Town Council is a key catalyst and provider in offering facilities run by older residents for older residents. For example, our flagship ‘Pop Inn Café’ is delivered by volunteers over 50 for customers 50 and over and our heritage centre volunteer team consists of many volunteers over 50. We also offer a weekly community cinema for the over 50s and boast outdoor facilities providing accessible opportunities to exercise and enjoy our open spaces throughout the Town.

We take pride in consulting and working with the local ageing population to identify needs in provision, offering the expertise and resources to create new projects for over 50s from the ground up. Two examples of this would be the instigation of the local U3A and Yate Men’s Shed groups, which both continue to provide exciting opportunities to tackle social isolation and improve wellbeing in the over 50s, independent of the Council.

Yate Town Council works in a holistic, attitude-changing approach, to underpin our continuing response to requests from local residents as the key changes they are now seeking require changes of attitude by other providers. In particular, whilst carrying on adding new provision, including a new venue being developed in town, we are stressing interagency networking to ensure travel, leisure, retail, health and other providers in our town adopt more age friendly approaches, and that the new Masterplan for the Town Council and Local Plan have older residents at the core of their design, to ensure they reflect a more age-friendly approach.

We offer the following activities and services aimed at the over 50’s:

1. ‘Pop Inn Cafe’ – Over 50’s cafe (Mon-Friday)
2. Senior Cafe & Community Cinema session – Twice a week on a Thursday (PM session subtitled)