Adding life to years
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The City of Gwangju

The City of Gwangju

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

The City of Gwangju  Republic of Korea
Print this page City population: 145983218.7 % over 60Joined Network in 2020

In order to make Gwangju an age-friendly city, we set the vision”Gwangju, a healthy and energetic city with tomorrow and a dignified life” based on the top 5 areas of the WHO guidelines, public consultations and the age-friendly declaration.

Vision: Gwangju, a healthy and energetic city with tomorrow and a dignified life

Goal: Creating a social and physical environment for a happy retirement

  • Support for jobs and economic activities
    • Support for jobs and social activities for the elderly
    • Support for customized jobs to the middle and old aged
  • Activation of cultural leisure and social participation
    • Expansion of cultural leisure infrastructure
    • Expansion of cultural leisure participation programs
  • Strengthening smart care welfare
    • Systematic provision of welfare services for the elderly
    • Promotion of senior citizens’ human rights and spread of respect culture for the elderly
  • Support for health and care services
    • Health promotion for the elderly
    • Expansion of dementia prevention infrastructure
    • Improving the level of long-term care services
  • Improvement of living environment
    • Creating a safe and convenient transportation environment
    • Improvement of living space environment for the elderly
Commitment Letter