Adding life to years
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Sai Kung District Hong Kong

Sai Kung District Hong Kong

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Sai Kung District Hong Kong  China
Print this page City population: 4440008.9 % over 60Joined Network in 2015

Sai Kung of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China, is one of the pioneer districts promoting Age-friendly Hong Kong since 2008. With a view to developing the district into an age-friendly community, the Sai Kung District Council will continue to serve as a bridge between government, community stakeholders and the public. A “locally-driven” and “bottom-up” approach will be adopted for involving the older people in the process. A working group will be formed and representatives from the government, non-governmental organizations and older people groups will be invited to discuss the age-friendly issues. Also, ambassadors will be trained to conduct assessments according to the eight domains and be invited to share their observations and to provide recommendations on the enhancement of community environment, facilities, etc.

An action plan will be formed based on the findings, and indicators will be identified to monitor the progress. Besides, a district-based Age-Friendly Forum or Summit will be organized so as to facilitate sharing of the relevant information and experience.


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