Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Gävle  Sweden
Print this page City population: 10455026 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

Gävle has a long tradition of focusing on active ageing, with a well functioning preventive support to seniors. We have for many years had specific “Seniors´ meeting points”, both in the city centre and in other districts. The development and implementation of activities at the “Seniors meeting points” are based on the needs, wishes and engagement of the seniors and the staff working there. We have also addressed the needs of relatives through the development of a “Support centre for relatives” which offers a broad array of services.

Gävle has a strong associative life and many volunteers to support our senior citizens. Associations deliver, in cooperation different voluntary services, visits to individual seniors and/or participation in group activities. The municipality has outreach activities to persons +80 years old with the purpose of informing older individuals about the public supports available, as well as identifying persons that may be in need of assistance. The municipality has also implemented a broad education/training programme for employees who meet older people in their daily work. They learn how to identify and respond to people with mental illness.

Retired persons benefit from free public transport between 9 am – 3 pm and healthcare is free for +85 years olds, there are also services free of charge for retired persons that need practical support (e.g. shoveling snow or moving the lawn). The libraries’ also offer services such as digital first aid where library staff members provide guidance on how to use tablets, mobile phones or computers. The municipal housing company works actively with social measures that benefit older people in their neighbourhoods. The concept for and financing plan of “Well-being hosts” (a housing initiative for persons +70 years old where in which individuals rent their own apartments and a ‘hostess’ helps to support activities which increase well-being) has also been developed.

A new action based from the action plan is our Senior pilot who was hired in january 2023.

The purpose is to offer a safer and easier everyday life for seniors. You can call or visit the senior pilot for information about where you can get support and help with different kind of elderly issues. Our mission is to work against anxiety and involuntary loneliness. Another goal is to help seniors to be digitally included.  The seniorpilot is a complement to the municipality of Gävles customer service. The senior pilot is, in contrast to customer service, physically at places where seniors are, for example meeting points for seniors, librarys, grocery stores etc. This service will be evaluated after two years of employment