Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Dijon  France
Print this page City population: 15211020 % over 60Joined Network in 2010

Since 2010 Dijon has been working on the DIVAA project (Dijon, age- friendly city) by means of an inventory of actions, reflection with experts, and a qualitative survey among the inhabitants. Over 300 people, citizens, professionals and elected representatives, have taken part in the 3 workshops:

  1. Life in the city (housing, transport and outdoor areas)
  2. Taking part in the city life (social and civic participation, information and communication)
  3. Strengthening of communal services (community support, health, work and volunteer work) Thus, about a hundred of definite actions and improvements necessary to ensure a better way of living together have been listed.

The Town of Dijon has chosen to undertake actions with its partners in order to

  • Ensure a better access to medical care (with partners in the health sector)
  • Analyze signage in the public transport network (buses, streetcars)
  • Set up an intergenerational mix in new residences, each time an apartment is allocated (with the providers of social housing) Finally, 4 axes have been defined, to build the active age policy that the town council wants for Dijon in a spirit of solidarity

These 4 axes are :

  1. The “Office for Dijon Seniors” which offers sports, cultural and leisure activities to people aged 55+ needs to evolve.
  2. The “Guide for Seniors” has to be recast in collaboration with older people
  3. The creation of a “Center for Seniors”, a one-stop facilitation center
  4. The creation of an “Observatory on Age, composed of citizens, associations, researchers, and elected representatives. Its aim is to promote innovation and to monitor the policies initiated by the Town Council.


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