Adding life to years
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City of Wanneroo

City of Wanneroo

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

City of Wanneroo  Australia
Print this page City population: 20686015 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

The City of Wanneroo proudly released their first Age Friendly Strategy 2017/18 – 2020/21 in September 2017. The City is committed to building a city that is safe and inclusive with opportunities to maintain a good quality of life and access to services as people age. The strategy will guide the City over four years as it works to become a more age friendly place to live, work and visit .

The City plans to become more age friendly by using the seven Age Friendly Principles which have been developed taking into account the WHO’s age friendly topics:

1. Health and Wellbeing – to have access to affordable and quality community services which promote health, wellbeing and independence to people who are ageing
2. Lifelong Learning and Education – to have the opportunity to access age friendly information and services in their community and engage in formal and informal lifelong learning and education
3. Social Participation and Connected Communities – for older people to participate and continue to remain socially connected in community life as they age
4. Economy and Economic Participation – for older people to remain actively involved in the City’s voluntary activities and employment as they age
5. Age Friendly Environment – to continuously improve the City’s environment as a place for older people to fully participate in community life
6. Transportation – to ensure affordable and accessible transport options are available to older people, allowing them to move more freely around the city and participate in activities and community life with ease
7. Civic Engagement and Civic Leadership – ensure older people are valued and actively involved in decision making in their community throughout their life

Baseline Assessment


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