Adding life to years
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City of Salisbury

City of Salisbury

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

City of Salisbury  Australia
Print this page City population: 13400018 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

The City of Salisbury is committed to excellence in building a community of opportunity and spirit in a quality environment’. (Salisbury City Plan 2020).
The City of Salisbury will ensure that older resident can experience the community as one of ‘opportunity and spirit’; Council has pledged to develop an age-friendly city that will ensure a safe and supportive community that is accessible for all. Salisbury will be a community where a full range of services are available within an environment that supports active ageing and where senior residents have the opportunity to be full citizens in the life of the city and have a voice in issues that affect their lives.
In order to fulfil this commitment, the City of Salisbury has developed a new age-friendly strategy Age Friendly Salisbury. The strategy focuses on creating a city that supports and encourages active ageing which is the ‘process of optimising opportunities for health, participation, security and lifelong learning in order to enhance the quality of life as people age’ (World Health Organisation – Active Ageing Framework 2002). The strategy has a series of goals and actions on each of the domains identifies in the active ageing framework.
Council coordinates a range of programs that support our diverse communities to live healthy, active and engaged lives. Programs include healthy ageing and wellness programs; social support programs; Senior centres; support services and social activities; in-home support to help older people remain living independently at home in the community , social programs for older people from various cultural backgrounds; programs designed for people with a disability, housing options and support for older residents and volunteering options.


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