Adding life to years
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Changwon city

Changwon city

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Changwon city  Republic of Korea
Print this page City population: 104155321.7 % over 60Joined Network in 2020

Changwon is located on the southern coast of South Korea, it is an eco-friendly metropolitan city with a population of 1.04 million and has an industrial infrastructure. Changwon became the first Korean city to become a member of the WHO Alliance for Healthy Cities (AFHC) in 2004 and has promoted various policies to ensure citizens can fully demonstrate their abilities in the community while improving the health status of the citizens through actions focusing on health promotion.
Changwon is characterized by the 10 elements of healthy cities, as defined by the World Health Organization

  1. A clean and safe physical environment
  2. A well-established local community that espouses mutual cooperation and conserves natural resources
  3. Adequate citizen participation and control over the policies that concern their health
  4. Basic needs, such as food, water, housing, and safety, are provided to all citizens
  5. A diverse range of experiences and resources is available to a variety of contacts and exchange and communication opportunities
  6. A colorful, vibrant, and innovative economy
  7. Historical, cultural, and biological heritage artifacts are well-preserved, and cooperation among different groups and individuals is encouraged
  8. Organizations meet all the standards of a healthy city
  9. Sufficient public health and treatment services are equally guaranteed to all citizens
  10. A high level of health awareness among local residents

Also, we have promoted many welfare policies to respond to ageing-related needs and preferences. Now, we are striving to further meet the needs of our older citizens and to promote healthy and active aging and good quality of life. We will also make an active effort to create a city environment where all generations can live and co-exist happily regardless of age.

Commitment Letter
Baseline Assessment