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China Launches First Guiding Opinion on Livable Living Environment

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BEIJING, Oct. 12 (Xinhua Zhang Ximin) National Committee on Aging held a press conference in Beijing on the 12th, released by the National Office of Aging, the National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Land and Resources, Ministry of Housing and Urban Construction, Ministry of Transport and other 25 ministries jointly developed << on promoting the construction of the elderly living environment guidance >>.

The << Guiding Opinions >> is the new revision << Old People’s Rights and Interests Protection Act >> new ‘livable environment’ chapter, China released the first on the elderly living environment construction guidance documents << guidance Opinions >> put forward the ‘old living environment construction’ new concept, requires economic and social development, we must comprehensively consider the impact of population aging, the elderly living environment construction into the national economic and social development planning, urban and rural planning and related special planning.

At the same time, environmental construction should take full account of the aging of the population factors, suitable for population aging social development of the new requirements, based on the current, focus on long-term, reflecting the forward-looking, scientific and holistic.

In addition, environmental construction should give full consideration to the physical and mental characteristics of the elderly to meet the needs of the elderly to use, convenient and easy to use, can enhance the sense of happiness of the elderly, access to improve the quality of life of the elderly.

<< Guidance >> suggested that by 2025, safe, convenient and comfortable living environment for the elderly to establish the basic system, ‘living, line, medicine, support’ and other environment is more optimized, the old-fashioned pension to help the old social trend is more strong. The concept of livable environment is generally established, the characteristics and needs of the elderly groups are fully considered, the formation of everyone’s attention, the elderly to participate in the construction of livable environment, a good social atmosphere.

<< guidance >> plan for the old living environment, suitable for the old travel environment, suitable for the old health support environment, suitable for the old service environment, respect for the elderly and other social and cultural environment of five elderly living environment construction plate, 17 sub-key construction tasks, And puts forward the requirements of security, accessibility, integrity, convenience and inclusiveness.

Wu Yushao, deputy director of the National Office for Aging, pointed out that the elderly livable environment construction is conducive to improving the livelihood of the elderly, to improve the quality of life and life of the elderly, is conducive to promoting economic development, is to expand domestic demand, stimulate consumption, promote economic growth is conducive to Social harmony, promote social co-construction and sharing, inclusive and harmonious development, is conducive to effectively address the challenges of population aging, is implementing the newly revised << old law >>, an important measure of innovative work of the elderly, of great significance.

Wu Yushao stressed that strengthening the elderly livable environment construction should first establish a new concept of livable environment construction, environmental construction should give full consideration to the elderly physical and mental characteristics to meet the needs of the elderly to use, convenient and easy to use, can enhance the well-being of the elderly , Get a sense of life to enhance the quality of life of the elderly.Living elderly living environment is ‘standard’, not ‘high with.’ Old people living environment construction work is related to the current problem-solving, but also related to long-term planning problems, the need to enhance the whole Social consensus, and push forward.


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