Adding life to years
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Challenge ageism by celebrating the years ahead



A 90-year old man made his dream come true: to walk the top of the CN Tower / La Tour CN in #Toronto, #Canada

Photos can help break down the stereotypes that we often associate with ageing. As the first entries in our Instagram campaign to challenge ageism show, people in older age from around the world continue to play valuable roles in their families and communities.

  • If you are an older person: post a photo of yourself celebrating that you are #YearsAhead.
  • If you are a younger person: post a photo of, or a selfie with, someone you value who is #YearsAhead

Photos can be submitted on Instagram or Twitter, using the hashtag #YearsAhead, or sent to, with the subject line: YearsAhead.

Each photo should include a short description, including where it was taken. Make sure that you have the agreement of anyone featured before you post.

We will continue to post our favourites on the @WorldHealthOrganization Instagram account.

Other examples of photos already submitted can be seen here.