Adding life to years
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The “Sunshine Action” Project was organised by Nga Yin Association Neighbourhood Elderly Centre (NNEC). Various activities for older adults were held, including home visits, educating older citizens on how to use smartphone applications, exploring Hong Kong’s famous places through tours or YouTube videos, and holding functions to celebrate festivals and events.

The project reached a total of 279 older adults who lived alone or lacked social support. A group of 29 volunteers from the Hong Kong Christian Short Term Mission Training Centre, Volunteer Space, and the NNEC helped to support this project. The volunteers of the project were very enthusiastic and caring helping and advising older adults and referring cases to the NNEC as necessary.

The NNEC will continue to serve the needs of the older population within the district by organising different activities in cooperation with various parties.

Key facts

Main target group: Vulnerable older people (e.g. at risk or victims of abuse, living alone, poor etc.)

Sector(s): Education, Social protection

Desired outcome for older people:
Build and maintain relationships

Other issues the Age-friendly practice aims to address:
  • Participation
  • Technologies

Contact details


Email address:

Age-friendly practice in detail (click to expand):

Engaging the wider community

Project lead: Older People’s Association

How collaboration worked: The NNEC was responsible for managing the funding, inviting co-organisations, preparing, organising, and evaluating the activities. Co-organisers normally provided volunteer support and served the elderlies directly in the activities.

Older people’s involvement: Older people helped to implement the age-friendly practice

Details on older people’s involvement: The older people friendly assisted to implement related activities during the project as a volunteer.

Moving forward

Has the impact of this age-friendly practice been analysed: Yes

Was the impact positive or negative:

Please share with us what you found in detail:
Both participants and volunteers benefited from the project. Participants felt pleasant about being served and cared for, gaining new knowledge and obtaining positive attitude towards their present situation. On the other hand, volunteers gained awareness of caring for the feelings and needs of elder persons and assuming this as their lifelong responsibility.

Participants enjoyed the project and appreciated the efforts of volunteers. They would like to participate again in similar programmes in the future.

Expansion plans:
Yes. The NNEC wishes to raise both the numbers of participants and volunteers in future project.

Looking back

Some elderlies were unable to join online activities as they were not familiar with using electronic devices. The NNEC suggests providing lessons to the elderly in need to teach them how to use electronic devices and approach them through phone calls by volunteers.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some face-to-face activities could not be held and thus they need to use online means. However, some elderlies who lack knowledge of using electronic devices could not join the online activities. Hence, the NNEC called the elderly in need by phone to take care of their needs in another programme.