Adding life to years
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Seniors and Carers Expo

Seniors and Carers Expo


The City of Rockingham has facilitated an annual Seniors and Carers Expo since 2009. The goal of the expo is to provide seniors and carers with information on the services, programs, activities and community/support groups available to them. The expo aligns with the WHO Age-friendly domain ‘Communication and Information’ which highlights that staying connected with events and people, receiving practical information to manage life, and meeting personal needs are vital for active ageing. The expo also provides opportunities and information to participants about ‘social participation’ and ‘civic participation and employment.’A Working Party consisting of seniors, a care provider and City officers provides direction and assistance to the event planners. Also, up to 20 volunteers (including seniors and young people) assist at the expo each year. Feedback is sought from visitors, stall holders, volunteers and internal staff after each expo to ensure that the events are improved upon each year. For example, following feedback received that it was too far for seniors to walk from an overflow car park to the venue, a free shuttle bus service was introduced at the following year’s expo. A transport service is also available for people who do not have access to private/public transport to receive free return transport between their homes and the venue. The event is free for visitors and stall holders. The expo has grown over the years since it was first introduced in 2009. At the expo held in 2016, 2000 seniors and carers received information from four information sessions and 135 stalls (including community groups; not-for-profit organisations; aged care and service providers; local, state and federal government departments; and businesses that provide services to seniors). It has become a bustling event with many seniors looking forward to it throughout the year.


Key facts

Main target group: Older people in general

Other target group(s): Carers

Sector(s): Information and communication

Desired outcome for older people:
Learn, grow and make decisions

Other issues the Age-friendly practice aims to address:
  • Ageism
  • Accessibility
  • Technologies
  • Inequities

Contact details

Name: Jarvis, Rebekka

Email address:

Preferred language(s): English

Age-friendly practice in detail (click to expand):

Engaging the wider community

Project lead: Local authorities

Older people’s involvement: Older people were involved in the age-friendly practice at multiple or all stages

Details on older people’s involvement: Seniors were involved in the planning of the Seniors and Carers Expo through their involvement in the Working Party, and other seniors were involved as volunteers assisting at the events.At the Seniors and Carers Expo held in 2016, approximately 10% of the seniors living in the City attended the event, and received information from 135 stalls and information sessions.

Moving forward

Has the impact of this age-friendly practice been analysed: Yes

Please share with us what you found in detail:
Feedback collated from visitors and stall holders at the Seniors and Carers Expo in 2016 indicated that:Visitors• 98% enjoyed the event• 81% reported that the event opened up new opportunities for them• 78% would access services, groups or businesses that they were not aware of prior to the event• 89% felt more connected to people in the communityStall holders reported that participants were interested in the following categories:• 81% general information• 46% support and health services• 35% social inclusion• 27% joining up (new members)• 13% housing/accommodation• 13% transport• 10% volunteering• 6% outdoor spaces and buildings• 6% employment86% of stall holders also reported that the event provided opportunities for collaboration.Stalls represented the following types of organisations:• 49% not-for-profit• 28% private business• 19% community groups• 10% clubs• 8% State Government Departments• 4% Local Government Departments• 2% Australian Commonwealth Government Departments• 2% other

Comments and feedback received at the Seniors and Carers Expo in 2016 were overwhelmingly positive and encouraging. Below are a few examples of feedback received from visitors and stall holders:• ‘A great day very informative. We need more of these sort of days.’• ‘Lots of information. Much of it appreciated. Vocal input from volunteers first rate and much appreciated.’ • ‘So informative. Invited a friend, got some useful info about services. Feel more informed and look forward to next year.’• ‘It is so easy to get around for me with a walker. It’s interesting to elder people to see what is available.’ • ‘Good variety of different stalls. Attendees seemed to enjoy the expo.’• ‘Thanks for the opportunity to network and display a few of our products. With every best wish for future successful events.’ Feedback received on how to improve future events include requests for making more seating available in the refreshment areas. This request will be incorporated in future events.

Expansion plans:
The Seniors and Carers Expo is ever growing adding new stalls to the event every year the event continues to expand and gain more attendees.

Looking back

Feedback from each event has enabled the City to improve the events over the years. It has also enabled the City to target specific community groups and service providers that could provide seniors with the information and connections they most need to live active and meaningful lives.

Space has been the biggest challenge for the Seniors and Carers Expo. With more stalls registering each year, the expo has outgrown the beautiful, modern and functional community centre where it was held at for the first six years. Since 2015, the event has moved to a sports complex to accommodate the growing number of stalls and visitors, and is now spread over four indoor basketball courts plus side rooms and an outdoor area. Although the sports complex is not as visually pleasing as the venue where it was first held, this move has enabled the event to grow substantially to enable seniors and carers to receive information from a wider range of stalls. Both venues are accessible.