Adding life to years
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Global Database of Age-friendly Practices

Talleres y gimnasia de mantenimiento para personas mayores

Visit to the Gerontech and Innovation Expo

Senior pilot – A service to guide older persons

Leighton Linslade Community Agent

Age-Friendly Innovation Center Technical Assistance Program

Strategies for Creating an Age-friendly City: Book

Warm Winter Operation 2022-23 (2022-23年度寒冬送暖結伴行)


Formación en seguridad vial para personas mayores: consejos y participación

Guías por un día – proyecto intergeneracional

Installation of hand railings and seats

Promoting community support and health services for all ages in Saitama, Japan

Provision of a “Home Fire Safety Check”


「智」樂長者 Fun Activities for Older Persons


Wellbeing Support Service


Active Ageing Center


Local Emergency Planning Guide for Older Persons

The Teri Project

Vital City Challenge

Mestr@s de Vida

Puntos permanentes de apoyo digital al mayor