Adding life to years
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CreandoRED is an initiative developed in 2015 initially by Fundación Navarro Viola. It is develop in partnership with a group of cultural and social organisations and individuals like professionals and older adults volunteers which aims to create platforms for conversation, learning, collaborative experiences between staff of cultural and social institutions to create a collective commitment to promote older adults civic rights, to promote access, social inclusion and active participation of older adults in cultural projects. Through monthly meetings we talk and share on topics like creative and active aging, inter-generational learning, cultural policies for older adults and projects with/for older adults. Each three hour meeting combines theoretical/practical approach which includes the presentation of cases and best practices, conferences by specialists and active networking sessions among partners. As part of CreandoRED, since 2016 we dedicate our collective efforts to create a national campaign named Mayores en Acción (Seniors in Action) on community awareness about ageing and social inclusion. We focus specially in a call for action movement to promote social and cultural collaborative activities with and for older adults (and also between social and cultural organisations ) that take place each october during the whole month in different locations. Activities develop and plan by partners could be participatory tours, workshops, gaming sessions, film screenings, storytelling, musical, dance or theatrical activities, festivals or other outdoor activities among others. We aim to:*Create a network of individuals and institutions inspire to generate experiences and cultural collaborative projects among themselves and with / for the older adults.*Promote and socialize experiences that improve the quality of life, autonomy, citizen participation of older people through cultural democratization.*Achieve a federal scope and participation of specialists and institutions during the project meetings and other activities*Design / carry out joint actions that put in concrete the collective commitment assumed agreeing responsibilities, resources and tasks carried out by each the partners / volunteer collaborators.* Generate new opportunities for meeting and reflection on culture collaborative practices with older people.* Make visible and install on the public agenda the actions and reflections developed in the initiative.* Continue to raise awareness and inspire the professional community of cultural organisations about new perspectives on ageing.* Strengthen linkages and expand them with others at a national / international level.


Key facts

Main target group: civil_orgs

Other target group(s): older adults and professional volunteers and cultural institutions

Desired outcome for older people:

Other issues the Age-friendly practice aims to address:
  • Ageism
  • Accessibility
  • Intergenerational activities

Contact details

Name: Gonzalez de Langarica, Florencia

Email address:

Preferred language(s): español| english

Age-friendly practice in detail (click to expand):

Engaging the wider community

Project lead: Civil Society Organisation

Older people’s involvement: Older people were involved in the age-friendly practice at multiple or all stages

Details on older people’s involvement: Older adults volunteers come from groups or community organisations, participate in the monthly meetings contributing with feedback and collaboration in the design and/or implementation of the activities plans and share best practices on projects they are involve.

Moving forward

Has the impact of this age-friendly practice been analysed: Yes

Please share with us what you found in detail:
More 150 institutions and organisation are involve in different levels creating a commitment to address On 2016 our national campaign and call for action over 116 cultural activities with and for older adults were made during octoberSocial organisations and cultural institution are collaborating with each other, as well as professionals and older adults volunteers are working togetherWe manage to create public conversations and social awareness with the visibility of our collective action on importance of promoting new cultural perspective about ageing.

They value as positive and see also as a challenge_the dedication and constant follow-up need from the members of the network. _the need to provide motivation and accompany incipient collaborations to make it happen. _the importance of the different resources that each individual and organisation partner can provide to the initiative.

Expansion plans:
We want CreandoRED expand onto a national initiative and platform that congregates multiple social agents and organisations. We aim to have a more diversity type of organisations and new groups of older adults participating.

Looking back

Create different leading groups of partners that can plan together each meeting to asure a collective perspective and participation, agree on the different tasks needed to implement the activities and to plan the national campaign and contribute to communicate the project.

Explore how to continue growing a networking group and explore different ways of collaboration, specially with older adults in different levels of contribution. Create flexible and sustainable year plan that allows to distribute responsibilities and agree on the process of working together.