Adding life to years
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Muratpasa Municipality

Muratpasa Municipality

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Muratpasa Municipality  Turkey
Print this page City population: 52118315 % over 60Joined Network in 2014

Our first aim is to increase the health and care standards of our elders. For this reason, these are the projects that we have already implemented and will implement soon:

  • We have 4 elder homes in different districts of Muratpasa Municipality, where our elders can socialize.  We aim to increase the number of the elder homes to 10 in 5 years. The number of the elder homes’ members are 5236, at the moment.
  • We  opened our first “Alzheimer Day Care Centre”. This centre is providing daily social rehabilitation services to 72 Alzheimer patients and provides advice to the families about how to continue their care giving services at home.
  • We have ambulance service for elders and dependents to transfer them between home and hospital.
  • We have a “Home Care” program that provide social and health care.
  • We started Alzheimer Advice Line in order to solve Alzheimer patient relatives’ problems, in 2018.
  • We founded Elder Council  in 2019. One of the our goals is “participatory democracy” in this council.
  • We are planning to start an “Emergency Button” project. With this project, elders who are in an emergency situation can communicate with our help centre by pushing a button that we put in their homes.
  • We are planning to build a “Dementia Cafe”. This project that will get together dementia patients and their caregivers, aims to both block social isolation and organize different activities.

Aside of these health and care projects, we have also many parks and sportive activities for our elders.

In this network, our aim is to collaborate with other network members and share common knowledge. Our mission is to increase the life quality of our elders by supplying them health, care, social, and environmental services.


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