Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Peterborough  Canada
Print this page City population: 12172129.8 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

We are applying to the Network as a collective Greater Peterborough Area, which comprises City of Peterborough, County of Peterborough, Hiawatha First Nation and Curve Lake First Nation. The County of Peterborough is comprised of 8 lower-tier municipalities who also endorse the plan development. We embarked on developing an age-friendly plan in 2013 in partnership with the Peterborough Council on Aging. We hired a full-time coordinator in 2014 to complete the plan by early 2017.The Region has policies, programs and services targeted at older people. The following list is not exhaustive but highlights some of the features that exist in the Greater Peterborough Area:

  • Special transit vehicles for those with physical disabilities. Preferred seating for seniors on buses. Rural network of volunteer drivers dedicated to older adults. A bus fleet with lowering platforms. The Link: Rural Community Transportation
  • There are a variety of housing options including supportive housing, seniors’ residence and long-term care. AFP completed a Health and Housing Navigation Study that identified almost 300 services in Peterborough that support olders adult to continue to live in their home and almost 200 housing options.
  • Extensive trail networks in the urban and rural areas.
  • Significant green space for passive and active enjoyment of the natural environment.
  • Three recreation/leisure centres dedicated to seniors and supported by the municipality.
  • Seniors clubs throughout the rural areas.
  • Regional Health Centre that allows for extensive medical services locally.
  • Permanent staff position for the Region with a Seniors Portfolio as a point of contact for seniors issues in the community.
  • Eight long-term care homes in the regions with plans and infrastructure being put in place for a new rural long-term care facility.
  • Services to seniors identified as a priority in the Corporate Strategic Plan for the County of Peterborough.
  • Property tax relief programs for low income seniors.
  • Trent University launched the Trent Centre of Aging and Society in 2013 for advanced research into aging.
  • Two large annual events and a monthly workshop series that improves access to information and advances the thinking on aging issues.
  • Many local agencies who deliver programs and services for older adults and their families, including: transportation, meals, hospital discharge care, day programs, Alzheimer/dementia programs, diabetes care, elder abuse programs, fitness programs, social programs, assistive device loan programs, financial counselling services, supportive housing, falls prevention, to name some.
Baseline Assessment


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