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Morgan Hill

Morgan Hill

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Morgan Hill  United States of America
Print this page City population: 420000.1 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

We learned about the WHO Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities through Anabel Pelham, PhD, Founding Director, for the Center for Age-Friendly Excellence (CAFÉ). Dr. Pelham was instrumental in helping Los Altos and Los Altos Hills receive the Age-Friendly Designation and has been mentoring us through this process. Santa Clara County located in Silicon Valley has the goal of becoming an Age-Friendly County and having all cities earn the designation. Of the remaining 13 Cities in Santa Clara County, Morgan Hill is the first City applying for this designation.
The City of Morgan Hill has prioritized Senior Services and has recently adopted an “Age-Friendly” resolution indicating the City’s commitment and intention to fulfill unmet needs for seniors. The City already enjoys multi-generational and multi-dimensional recreation facilities and activities, including one of the finest Senior Centers in Santa Clara County. Please see: Morgan Hill Centennial Recreation Center, 50+ Adults, Age-Friendly City.
We have assembled a talented and energized team of staff and volunteers who are actively involved in moving this work forward (Senior Advisory Committee-SAC). Our Senior Advisory Committee has worked with CAFÉ to assemble professional and senior focus groups to identify our Cities unmet needs. Our Committee conducted a brainstorming session on March 14th to establish short and long-term projects to meet those needs. We then prioritized those projects and have narrowed our initial focus to two short term and one long term goal.
Short Term Goal:
#1 Improve Communication and Information
a) Launch a Newspaper Column
b) Age Friendly Education Campaign
c) Improve the dissemination of Information
#2 Improve Access to Community Support and Health Services
a) Internship Site
b) Case Management
Long Term Goal:
#1 Foster the use and availability of alternative transportation options
a) Shuttle Service
b) Explore other transportation options

Morgan Hill Focus Groups: FocusGroups

City Council Staff Report: WHOProjects


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