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2017 IFA / WHO Webinar Series: Making communities work for the most vulnerable

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The International Federation on Aging and the World Health Organization Department of Ageing and Life Course are pleased to co-present the 2017 IFA/WHO Webinar Series.

This series, featuring experts from around the world, will explore a number of critical and emerging topics on Healthy Ageing. All attendees are welcome – older adults, local, regional and national government policymakers, NGOs, clinicians, urban planners, and all those with an interest in building environments in which we can all continue to enjoy lives of value as we age.

Speaker: Natalie Turner, Senior Programme Manager (Localities), Centre for Ageing Better UK
Time: Wednesday July 12, 2017, 1:00pm – 2:00pm British Summer time (2:00pm –3:00pm CEST, 8:00am – 09:00am EST)
Topic: Making communities work for the most vulnerable: What can age-friendly learn from the dementia-friendly movement?

Participation is free and registration is strongly recommended. You can register here: Gotowebinar

A recording of the webinar will be made available after completion.

Past webinars in this series
Webinar 1: Establishing Age-friendly Environments (February 28, 2017) 

Webinar 2: Core Indicators of Age-friendliness (April 25, 2017)