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warm life (cold boxes and vaccine carriers)

The empty container is stabilized at +18°C and loaded with warm-packs that have been stabilized at the same temperature for a minimum of 24 hours. Warm life is measured from the moment when the container is closed, until the temperature of the coldest point inside the vaccine storage compartment first reaches 0°C at a constant ambient temperature of -20°C.

warm water-pack

A coolant-pack typically stabilized at room temperature, up to a recommended maximum of +24°C. Warm water-packs are used for the transport of freeze-sensitive vaccines during exposure to sub-zero ambient temperatures.


A flat, leak proof, plastic container, filled with tap water, complying generally with specification PQS/E005/IP01.

water-pack freezing capacity

The maximum weight and number of water-packs that can be fully frozen, in one batch, during a 24-hour freezing cycle.

water-pack storage compartment capacity

The maximum weight and number of fully frozen water-packs that can remain fully frozen at the end of freezing capacity testing.WHO Collaborating CentreWHO Collaborating Centres are institutions designated by the WHO Director-General to form part of an international collaborative network carrying out activities in support of WHO’s programmes at all levels. 

WHO Emergency Use Listing Procedure


WHO Performance, Safety and Quality Initiative (for immunization devices)


WHO Public Assessment Report


WHO Public Inspection Report


World Health Organization


worst-case temperature

The worst-case temperature in refrigerators is to be the lowest temperature measured during testing and the worst-case temperature in freezers is to be the highest temperature measured during testing. The reading must refer to a point lying within the zone allocated for the storage of vaccines.