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Consultation - WHO Guideline for Prequalification of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs)

18 - 20 October, 2022 - 10:30 - 19:30 (CEST)

The World Health Organization (WHO) Prequalification Unit Vector Control Product Assessment Team (PQT/VCP) is organizing a consultation meeting on the draft WHO Guideline for Prequalification of Insecticide Treated Net (ITNs).  The draft guideline has been developed with the PQT/VCP assessor’s group and other experts in the field who have contributed as consultants on specific technical matters.

The draft guideline has been published and can be accessed here.

The purpose of the consultation is to engage with the stakeholder community in order to present the draft guideline, approaches to its development, and gather feedback to inform the finalization of the guideline and supporting implementation guidance documents.

The consultation will be held on 18-20 October 2022 at the President Wilson Hotel in Geneva, Switzerland.  The consultation will include plenary presentations, small group discussion sessions, and tutorials on specific topics for the compilation of a product dossier for a prequalification assessment application.

Participants are encouraged to attend the meeting in person.  However, there will be opportunities to join plenary presentations remotely.

The President Wilson Hotel is offering a special rate for room bookings in association with the meeting.  

Book your hotel room using the group rate



In order to register for the event, please complete the form below and send to  Please submit one registration form which includes all the representatives from your organization/company.

Registration Form

The in-person attendance is limited to 100 participants. Therefore, based on the registration responses, the number of attendees from a single organization may be limited.  Registrations for in-person attendance which are submitted after 18 September will only be considered if there is remaining space.


Agenda ITN Consultation 18-20 October

The draft guideline has been published and can be accessed here.