
Make a job description for each position in the laboratory


In the Authorization Matrix you can see per activity done in the laboratory which positions are authorized to perform that activity. It is also necessary to be able to look from the other side: see the tasks and responsibilities of each position in one overview. This provides clarity of which tasks each position in the laboratory must perform. This will also be used for making Personal Job Descriptions the next activity. This way they can get a good grip of what is expected from them. It also provides a basis for performing competency assessments.


A position job description is a document describing the tasks and responsibilities of a position. In the right-hand column an Example Position Job Description is provided to give an idea of its contents. Also a document with background information on job descriptions is provided from the WHO Laboratory Quality Management System (LQMS) handbook.

How & who

Laboratory Manager:

  1. When you developed the Authorization Matrix you drafted a list of all the positions in the laboratory. Make a description of each position, including tasks, responsibilities and authorities. See the Example Position Job Description provided in the right-hand column to give you an idea of the writing-style, outline and contents. Use the Authorization Matrix as basis to include the major responsibilities and authorities of each position. Include at least information about:
    • Required education
    • Required experience
    • Required theoretical and practical background
    • Required demonstrated skills
  2. Store the position job descriptions in the folder Organization you made earlier in this phase. Make a new tab titled "Position Job Descriptions". Store the position descriptions behind this tab.
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This activity belongs to the QSE Personnel
ISO15189:2007: 4.1.5 5.1.1
ISO15189:2012: 5.1.2