
Assign a staff member to which clients can turn for professional advice


When clients contact the laboratory with questions, the laboratory has to be certain that the staff member answering the client is competent and can answer the questions correctly, professionally, politely and friendly.


Authorize at least two staff members (one staff member and one backup for when the other staff member is absent) for answering questions regarding laboratory services from clients. Choose staff members that are competent enough to communicate with clients in a professional and polite way, can think along in finding solutions to problems and, logically, have sufficient knowledge of all examinations performed in the laboratory. Usually the laboratory manager is the most appropriate person for communication with clients. Beware that clinical questions may only be answered by a person with a medical doctor degree. If no medical doctor is available among the staff, the laboratory can get into a contract with a medical doctor from another institution to answer clinical questions.

How & who

Laboratory Manager:

  1. Select at least two staff members to answer questions from clients of the laboratory.
  2. Explain the tasks and responsibilities in communicating with clients to the selected staff members and explain all staff members in a weekly staff meeting that they have to refer questions from clients to the authorized staff members.
  3. Adapt the Personal Job Description of the selected staff members.
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This activity belongs to the QSE Customer Focus


ISO15189:2007: 4.7
ISO15189:2012: 4.7