
Discuss with the clients of the laboratory the best method to assure that Result Reports are always received by the requester and as timely as possible


Later in phase 2 SOP for Recording, Reporting and Archiving of Results has to be developed. Before documenting the procedure of recording results in a protocol it must be verified that the most optimal method is used to send the Result Reports to the requester in the fastest time-interval possible. This prevents that the SOP has to be adapted just after it has been finalized.


Discuss with the regular clients of the laboratory the best method to ensure that Result Reports are always received by the requester and are received as soon as possible. Include in this discussion the reporting of critical and urgent results. Maybe the method currently used has been in use for a long time and can be considerably improved. If better alternatives are available for sending the reports it must be considered to start using these alternatives (think of modern developments such as email and mobile phones). There are two important requirements: the method of sending Result Reports must have a minimal risk of losing Result Reports and the Result Reports must always be transmitted in a timely manner.

How & who

Laboratory Manager:

  1. Discuss with the regular clients of the laboratory to decide on the best method for sending the Result Reports to the requesters and for notification of urgent or critical results.
  2. Write a protocol for sending the Result Reports to the requesters. Later in phase 2 the SOP for Recording, Reporting and Archiving of Results will be written. This protocol will become part of this SOP. Once the SOP is finalized this procedure will be implemented.
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This activity belongs to the QSE Information Management


ISO15189:2007: 5.8.2
ISO15189:2012: 5.8.1 5.8.2