Checklist Phase 4 - Process Management

Is there an SOP that covers all the more simple procedures for which it is too laborious/inefficient to make separate SOPs but that are critical for proper functioning of the laboratory?


Is correct transportation of samples monitored on a continuous basis by the laboratory by checking of the transportation requirements in the SOP for Sample Collection are met?


If problems arise in transportation of samples, does the laboratory investigate these problems to find the cause?


If problems arise in transportation of samples, is a nonconformity form always completed?


Are corrective and preventive actions undertaken to solve problems in sample transportation?


Is the effect of the preventive/corrective actions to solve problems regarding sample transport evaluated to see if they worked?


Does the laboratory monitor correct performance of all its processes using quality indicators?


Is action undertaken upon detection of a sudden change in the value of a quality indictors to identify and solve the problem and prevent it from reoccurring?


Have limits of acceptability been set for each quality indicator?


Are actions undertaken to optimize the laboratory processes such that the limits of acceptability for each quality indicator aren’t exceeded any longer?
