
World Diabetes Day, 14 November

World Diabetes Day, celebrated annually on 14 November, is the world’s largest diabetes awareness campaign and draws attention to issues of diabetes in order to keep diabetes firmly in the public and political spotlight.

The theme of World Diabetes Day 2017 is Women and diabetes – our right to a healthy future. This theme emphasizes the importance of affordable and equitable access for all women at risk of or living with diabetes to essential medicines and technologies. It highlights special concern on pregnant women who require adequate access to screening, care and education to achieve positive health outcomes for both the mother and child. The theme also encourages women and girls to lead healthy lifestyles to improve the health and wellbeing of future generations.

There are currently over 199 million women living with diabetes, and with 2.1 million deaths per year diabetes is the ninth leading cause of death in women globally. Strengthening health systems and paying attention to the specific needs and priorities of women are required to combat this disease.

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