
"Kobe/Hyogo Youth Meeting the World" - Commemorating the 2016 G7 Health Ministers’ Meeting held in Kobe

The WHO Kobe Centre and the G7 Kobe Health Ministers' Meeting Promotion Council are organizing a large meeting of Kobe and Hyogo Prefecture High School students exploring global health: “Kobe/Hyogo Youth Meeting the World” at the Kobe International Exhibition Hall on February 11, 2017. This event commemorates the 2016 G7 Health Ministers’ meeting held in Kobe.

During the full-day programme, about 500 high school students in Hyogo-Kobe will experience a wide variety of learning opportunities in order to be effective ambassadors and international citizens.

This important gathering continues opportunities for High School students to learn about global health and to become future leaders following from the first Hyogo-Kobe GLOBAL HEALTH High School Summit held in August 2016 organized by the WHO Kobe Centre and the G7 Kobe Health Ministers' Meeting Promotion Council. The Summit was one of the pre-events for the Kobe G7 Health Ministers’ Meeting where high school students discussed how they could contribute to global health and adapted the High School Summit Declaration.

Alex Ross, Director, WKC notes that the “WHO Kobe Centre is a unique global research centre that is leading development of policies and programmes for ageing populations and health systems to achieve universal health coverage. We are connecting the world to Kobe by bringing world class knowledge to Kobe, while disseminating lessons from Kobe to the world. We are delighted to contribute to the education and experience of young students in Hyogo in order for them to be international citizens”

“Kobe/Hyogo Youth Meeting the World”
- Commemorating the 2016 G7 Health Ministers’ Meeting in Kobe

Time: 11 February, 2017 09:30 - 17 : 00 (Opens 09 : 00)
Venue: Hall No.2 Building, Kobe International Exhibition Hall
(〒650-0046 6-11-1 Mintaojima-Nakamachi, Chuo-ku, Kobe 078-302-1020)
Organized by: G7 Kobe Health Ministers’ Meeting Promotion Council, WHO Kobe Centre
Cosponsored by: Hyogo Prefectural Board of Education, Osaka University
Supported by: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, JICA Kansai, Kansai NGO Council, Japan Association for International Health, Kobe City Board of Education
Participants: Students living in Hyogo prefecture. Approx. 500 students (Registrations required)

9:30-9:40 Opening remarks

9:40-10:50 Keynote Speeches
“To be a leader in the international communities- my experiences as an international civil servant and as a researcher”
Junko Otani, Professor, Human Sciences, Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University
“Public Health Concerns in the 21st century – double burden of communicable and non-communicable diseases”
Ryoma Kayano, Technical Officer, WHO Kobe Centre

10:50-11:50 Panel Discussion “Japan’s future, the ageing society”
Moderator: Shinjiro Nozaki, External Relations Officer, WHO Kobe Centre
Participants: 4 high school students from Hyogo Prefecture (Hyogo Prefectural Amagasaki-Inazono High School, Sumoto High Shool, Hyogo Prefectural Tatsuno Senior High School, Kobe Municipal Fukiai High School)
Discussion with the Audience.

11:50-14:30 30 Booth Exhibitions and 15 Short Lectures on activities by globally active organizations, entities, and universities:
(Governmental and International Agencies, Embassies and Consulates, NGO, Private Entities, Universities etc…)

14:30-16:40 100 Poster Sessions by high school students

16:40-16:55 Commentary

16:55 Closing remarks
Alex Ross, Director, WHO Kobe Centre

Program 12 (Japanese)

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