
WKC releases new research plan for 2018-26

WKC releases new research plan for 2018-26

The WHO Centre for Development in Kobe (WKC) has developed a new research plan to guide the third decade of its work to 2026, in alignment with WHO’s General Programme of Work and the Centre’s agreement with the Kobe Group.

The plan provides a cohesive programme of research under three main research themes:

  1. Service delivery and sustainable financing in the light of population ageing to accelerate health coverage (UHC) in countries
  2. Metrics and measurement to monitor progress towards UHC  in the context of population ageing
  3. Health emergencies and disaster risk management to inform countries about responding to health emergencies and build resilient health systems that respond to the needs of older persons who are most disadvantaged during health emergencies.

Lessons learned from Japan is a cross-cutting theme across all three research areas.  Japan has been at the forefront of managing health systems responses to population ageing and responding to the needs of older persons.  The research plan also incorporates innovations, defined as not only new products and technologies, but also new ways of solving health problems.

To accompany the research strategy, WKC has developed a quality assurance plan to ensure the highest possible quality research products.

“The vision of the WKC strategy and research plan is to be a global research centre by studying innovations to advance sustainable universal health coverage. We work with researchers both globally as partnering with academics within the Kansai region in Japan,” said WKC Director, Dr Sarah L Barber.

“Our goal is to carry out research that can help countries develop policies that will contribute to better coverage and financial protection for people at all ages.”


Find the Research Plan and Quality Assurance Plan here: Research Plan & Quality Assurance Plan

Click here for a short video on the Research Plan.