Global Laboratory Leadership Programme Learning Package


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The Global Laboratory Leadership Programme (GLLP) is a unique workforce development initiative with the goal to foster and mentor current and emerging laboratory leaders to build, strengthen, and sustain national laboratory systems. 

Acknowledging the interrelatedness of human, animal, and environmental health, the six GLLP Partners have joined forces to develop the GLLP programme and its Learning Package. They are the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH), the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL). The Partners are committed to their mission to provide laboratory professionals with the tools necessary to develop their laboratory leadership competencies and advance effective national laboratory systems for improved health security using a One Health approach. 

The GLLP Partners first developed the Laboratory Leadership Competency Framework outlining the essential competencies needed by laboratory leaders to build and direct sustainable national laboratory systems for disease detection, control and prevention. The Competency Framework provided the foundation for the development of the GLLP Learning Package. The Learning Package provides the information and resources necessary to plan, develop, implement and evaluate a laboratory leadership programme in any region, country, or educational institution in the world.

The GLLP Learning Package is composed of course materials, welcome kit and tools to support implementation. The GLLP course materials include four sections (Introduction, Laboratory Management, Laboratory Leadership, and Laboratory Systems) comprising 13 units and 43 modules, with over 200 contact hours' worth of materials, all with a strong One Health focus. More than 150 contributors from the Human Health, Animal Health and Environmental Health sectors participated in the development, revision or review of the GLLP Learning Package. Based on feedback and lessons learned from implementations in different countries, an updated version is now available. A concerted effort has been made to present environmental and animal health sector specificities and areas of collaboration for each topic. The updated version of specified GLLP modules is now posted on the HSLP. Updates also include enhancements to introductory documents, course materials, and the implementation toolbox. Additional planning and implementation tools are currently being reviewed to keep guides and tools relevant, up-to-date and aligned with the new modules. New implementation tools are being developed and will be available soon.

Access to the full set of course materials is restricted, as the GLLP Partners continue to refine the Learning Package based on feedback, before releasing for public use. Access to full set of course materials is available upon request and will be granted to organizations planning to use the GLLP materials for training/learning activity. (NB: if you do not have an account yet, please register first)

If you have queries or need additional information, please consult the welcome kit available below, visit the GLLP webpage or use the "contact-us" button.



Global Laboratory Leadership Programme Learning Package

Welcome kit

GLLP Implementation Toolbox

GLLP Implementation Toolbox

Implementation toolbox

Planning tools

Implementation tools

GLLP Project Guide
(PDF FILE - 0.34 MB)