Adding life to years
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Zumba Gold

Zumba Gold makes a series of dancing and sports activities especially tailored the elderly of Opole “Senior Centre.” In fact, it is a kind of classic Zumba designed in such a way as to meet the requirements of people at an elderly age who have never before participated in that type of events and feature limited movement capabilities due to health and age conditions. Within practice sessions we employ the choreography of Latino dances turning them into our own dance routines . As to our senior ladies, they tend to bring in a great deal of positive energy which also seems to be pouring out of them right after the classes. The attendees themselves stress the fact that thanks to these lessons they obtain a vast amount of energy and vigour necessary for further activities. What is more,  Zumba also has a huge impact on stress reduction, evokes positive life attitude, makes one full of joy and puts a smile on the faces of our participants.