Adding life to years
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Welland Senior Citizen’s Advisory Committee Strategic Plan

Seniors Citizens’ Advisory Committee, Welland (SCAC)
Strategic Planning Draft #3
Feb 13 2020

Background Information

Aging Population
Between 2011 and 2031, seniors 65 and older will account for 60 % of population growth in Niagara, while those in the 0-25 age category will account for 7%. Stats Canada: one in five Canadians should be aged 65 and older in 2024.
Welland’s population is 52,293, 21.28% are over 65, Niagara on the Lake and Pelham are higher.

World Health Organization (WHO) 8 domains of livability
1: Outdoor Spaces and Buildings
2: Transportation
3: Housing
4: Social Participation
5: Respect and Social Inclusion
6: Civic Participation and Employment
7: Communication and Information
8: Community and Health Services

Age Friendly Community Vision
A caring community that optimizes opportunities for overall wellbeing to enhance quality of life as people age.

Niagara Age Friendly Niagara Network (AFNN) Forum Discussion for Collective Focus
Address issues of common concern across Niagara through joint advocacy (e.g. transportation, housing, social isolation)
Strengthen the intergenerational aspect of the AFNN by engaging youth in our planning and action
Implement mechanisms, such as an online portal, to support timely information-sharing between municipal committee
Look for new ideas and best practices by connecting with municipalities in Niagara and beyond
Engage directly with developers, planners and affordable housing experts
Engage with Niagara Regional Housing, long-term care homes, and transitional housing providers
Bring forth recommendations informed by best practice and evidence conversations to the respective local municipal councils
Senior Citizen’s Advisory Committee (SCAC) Strategic Plan 2020 Draft #3 Feb 13 2020