Adding life to years
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To celebrate Senior Days we organized 2nd Edition of the Bowling Tournament

25th August our seniors were provided with an opportunity to master their skills at practice session free of charge so as to present their full competence in the main game. It featured the teams of five with the final stage to have taken place 15th September 2021.

The list of award nominees was as follows:

  • IV place – Senior Council of Opole with 895 points.
  • III place – „Senior in Opole” Centre with 899 points.
  • II place – Association of Retirees, Pensioners, and Invalids in Zaidrze District with 1150 points.
  • I prestigious place – Polish Teachers’ Union „Belferek 1″ with 1168 points.

The competition enjoyed great interest of our seniors. This initiative enabled them to compete against each other in good spirit. The meetings of that kind are not only a way of spending free time but also boost the integration of seniors from various communities. They facilitate bonding people, establishing closer ties, good cooperation, and team work. First and foremost, they create opportunities of getting outside, socialising, staying fit, and help spend a good time in company of people sharing our interests.

We would like to express our special thanks to:

#stowarzyszenieChciejChcieć, (Charity Organization)

#policjaopolska Chief of Municipal Police Headquarters in Opole and the Head of Pre-Crime Division,

#MiejskiOśrodekPomocyRodziniewOpolu Municipal Family Support Centre headed by the Board of directors who funded marvellous prizes and accompanied the seniors celebrating the event.


We had also additional rewards for obtaining the highest score in male and female categories and these were donated by Senator Ms Danuta Jazłowiecka and Member of Parliament Mr Tomasz Kostuś.