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The Ninth Elderly Forum



Ninth elderly services forum were launched under the title “The well-being of the elderly in the knowledge society – Future view” which is due on Thursday 8/10/2020. This forum was organized by the social service department in Sharjah under the generous patronage of his highness Sheikh Sultan bin Muhammed Al Qasimi crown prince, Ruler of Sharjah. This event was held in the electronic platform (Zoom) which covered with various topics based on exploring the future of the elderly welfare policies and the knowledge society. In addition, the forum includes four sessions: Future practices for well-being of the elderly and looking policies and promotes of social work and scientific research and knowledge are pillars that achieve the well- being of the elderly and their role in promoting value. The forum main goal is to look for the elderly care policies, service and programs. The organizing committee of the forum mentioned the efforts of the participants of experts and specialists who enriched the forum with a summary of their scientific and professional experiences. The forum represents an ideal opportunity for various member of the society as well train specialists to develop their skills and get benefit from the scientific experiences provided experts especially on topics related to elderly.