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The Elderly included in Sharjah Department of Suburbs and Villages Affairs



The Department of Suburbs and Villages Affairs (DSVA) has revealed that it has conducted a study to include the elderly in the formation of the district councils. This is in order to achieve one of the strategic objectives for the follow-up of Sharjah’s joining of the Global Network for Age-friendly Cities.

Khamis Al Suwaidi, member of the Sharjah Executive Council (SEC) and Chairman of Department of Suburbs and Villages Affairs, said that the department will include the category of the elderly and retirees in the formation of the five suburbs of Mughaidir, Wasit, Muwailih, Al Rahmaniya and Al-Khalidiya.

Khamis Al Suwaidi explained that the Department, by this move, aims to achieve one of the main themes of the requirements of the Global Network for Age-friendly Cities through enabling the elderly to become more integrated into society and to benefit from their expertise. He added that his presence of this category within the suburbs councils would enhance their role.

Department of Suburbs and Villages Affairs, along with a number of government departments and agencies in Sharjah, is working to achieve the strategic plans, programs and activities related to the requirements of .the Global Network for Age-friendly Cities in coordination with the executive office of the Higher Committee that follows up Sharjah’s joining of the Global Network for Age-friendly Cities