Adding life to years
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Summary of Considerations

Summary of Considerations

Pillar Short-Term Considerations Long-Term Considerations
Outdoor Spaces and Building 1. Identify and install portable ramps where needed.

2. Install washrooms in public areas (i.e. Trails, outdoor fields, etc…)

3. Seniors Panel to collaborate with Accessibility Panel on working toward making infrastructure and public buildings accessible.

4. Utilize youth centres for older adult activities during day time.

5. Assessment & Mapping of All Outdoors Spaces that are accessible (i.e. washrooms, resting area, shade, equipment, signage).

6. Build on findings from Age Friendly Business Survey conducted by Laurentian University.

1. Remove and discontinue use of interlock/cobblestones for sidewalks. Uneven surfaces cause tripping hazards and safety should always trump aesthetics.

2. Improve snow removal on sidewalks for those with mobility issues.

3. Install sidewalks in new subdivisions to work towards a walkable community.

4. Educate residents on how to use crosswalk buttons and increase the time of pedestrian crosswalks to allow those with mobility issues enough time to cross.

5. Create apps for public facilities along with free wifi.

6. Review unused public space to offer programs to community (i.e. quilting, technology, intergenerational initiatives, stand up programs, etc…, or partner with community services).

Transportation 1. Increase the subsidies that are available to older adults (i.e. give 12 free bus passes per year).

2. Improve communication in print and electronically on transit services (i.e. how to use conventional transit, Handi-Transit services, subsidies, etc…)

3. Clear snow from sidewalks & bus stops for better access.

4. Improve employee education on older adult needs.

1. Support Healthy Roads Initiative.

2. Revisit Seniors Ride Free option.

3. Review transportation options in outlying areas.

4. Ensure buses have cameras for safety.

5. Enhance Handi-Transit Services (accessibility, user-friendliness, staff training).

Housing 1. Increase awareness of grants/subsidies for aging in place (i.e. Housing Weatherization Program).

2. Provide administrative assistance to older adults with grant applications, subsidies, etc…

3. Educate residents on affordable housing options.

1. Encourage contractors & architectural students to build “age-friendly homes”.

2. Government incentives for residents buying age-friendly homes

3. Collaborate with community support services (LHIN, CMHA, etc…) and encourage volunteers to visit those in need.

Social Participations 1. Determine capacity of CGS I.T. Dept. to funnel context (i.e. phone, cable, internet) to individual households.

2. Develop “Quick Reference Guide” and “Activity Calendar”.

3. School board(s) involvement in Intergenerational programming = student volunteers.

4. Celebrate senior friendliness activities.

5. Offer free/affordable programs to older adults in their neighbourhoods.

1. Social dining program for “isolated persons”.

2. Eliminate registration “fee” barriers to participate (i.e. parking, library card, bus passes, etc…).

3. Seniors volunteer program that is MUNICIPALLY driven.

4. Provide incentives to get older adults out of house.

Respect and Social Inclusion 1. Create opportunities for intergeneration activities, as well as, peer to peer.

2. Promote success.

3. Perform environmental scan to identify gaps and opportunities.

4. Work with CANs to improve action plan.

1. Change stigma surrounding seniors as most are healthy.

2. Community hubs via using playground buildings for social gatherings and activities.

3. Free transportation to community activities and events for older adults.

4. Create friendly and welcoming environments.

Civic Participation and Employment 1. Host a volunteer forum to identify barriers, common threats, look as volunteerism as a system.

2. Offer mentorship opportunities.

3. Build on Volunteer Sudbury’s model to increase services and provide sustainability.

1. Recognition & planning for intergenerational volunteering & work force.

2. Engage local school boards to expand volunteer hours to include intergenerational opportunities (i.e. mandatory 40 hours for students).

3. Develop outreach programs through Employment Services, YMCA, etc…

4. Provide incentives for older adults to volunteer.

Communication and Information 1. Develop e-contact list to distribute information to stakeholders, residents, and organizations.

2. Promote technology training through libraries, Science North, etc…

3. Test/evaluate communication distribution methods

4. Work with CANs, Chamber of Commerce, and other organizations to present Action Plan.

1. Develop and distribution of community guide.

2. Create older adult page on City website.

3. Develop a communication strategy specific to older adults.

Community Support and Health Services 1. Promote/educate community of 211, 311, 911. Ensure communication in bilingual.

2. Create mobile hub for outlying areas to include a variety of services.

3. Continue to support/expand Paramedicine Programs.

1. Create community hubs (based on mobile hub outcome)

2. Enhance transportation services to community services.

3. Educate older adults on financial literacy and other supports.