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“Social Activity in CAS”

In the “Senior in Opole” Information and Education Center, during the summer holidays, we began felting classes as part of the “Social Activity in CAS” project. The project is dedicated to 1 group of at least 10 people who meet during 20 2-hour meetings in total. Classes are held twice a week – on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. The classes are conducted by an instructor with many years of experience in the field of felting. Felting is one of the oldest methods of working with wool known to man. There are two types of felting: dry felting, for which you need worsted wool, a special needle and pad, and wet felting, for which we use warm water and soap. By mastering the felting technique, you can make not only small items such as balls for making jewelry, but also decorative inserts on bags, or larger items such as shawls. Felt workshops, apart from developing and perfecting manual, artistic and compositional skills, also provide a lot of satisfaction, joy, relax, are an opportunity for integration, stimulate action, develop creativity and creative thinking. So far, the participants have already made felt fruits and vegetables (needle method), flowers for a vase (wet felting). They also made paintings with wool on themes related to summer and holidays, and applications for fabric shopping bags. The workshop plan also includes: felt applications for pillowcases, a new life for old things – i.e. decorating clothes with felt elements, felting shawls, neck ornaments and autumn or Christmas decorations.